On the 13th to the 15th of April, 9 of us again excluding Carmelita this round (because she is currently enjoying herself in Australia) went to Kuching for the second time but for a different purpose this time. The first time we went down is to attend a some sort of a small seminar about " The Tabernacle of Moses" led by Andre but this round is to conduct a dance and banner workshop. Sharon and Kingdom Dancers led the dance workshop whereas Adeline and Jane led the banner workshop. More about the overall workshop later on.
Again, some of us have to wake up at 4am to prepare whereas Mary, Sharon and myself woke up at 4.45am to get ready. ( still very freaking early ) Our transport got delayed a little bit and there was a little complication with the transport plus we witness a small accident on our way but Praise God, all is well and we are able to reach the airport on time.
Uniqlo hoodie and jeggings. Super love and comfortable.
Finally, after a one and a half hour of sleeping, we reached Kuching.
We had to check in 2 luggage which consist of 21 tambourines and all the dance and banner apparatus.

In conjunction of being late to the airport and dint manage to grab a bite, we went for breakfast before heading to the center.
Kolo Mee. Missed it and also first time trying *points the pic below*. Its so good especially when you eat with chilli sauce. =)
After a scrumptious delicious breakfast, its time to get into business. We started off with a beautiful Praise and Worship led by Wee Nee and then split into whichever workshop they are interested to go in.
As I am part of Kingdom Dancers, I was in the room most of the time with the dancers and am going to focus more about dance. On the first day, we learned 10 tambourine patterns, which each pattern represent something and it is also scriptural. Besides, during the workshop, we Kingdom Dancers are also able to read tambourine symbols by the end of the day and remember clearly the steps. =D
By the 5th pattern, its time for lunch. Just manage to eat the dishes and leave the rice out. =/ cant afford to eat rice plus, its been very long since I've touched rice also. haha
By the time we finish the 10th pattern, its time to call the workshop off and we end by having another Praise and Worship. Did not manage to bath and properly get ready for mass as time is not on the same page like us, so most of us just changed and wash our face with water to keep ourselves awake.
Sharon and I looking tired and sweaty for mass. haha
posting out #OOTN for mass
from the left, Alex (Mary's bf), dearest Mary, Sharon, yours truly and Brendan
After mass, a handful of us met up and experience something which was not expected and God is super amazing that he showed and revealed to us that dance is not just a dance. Dance is not about choreography or technical skills anymore, but more than that. Dance is to glorify the One Man that we love most. We are an instrument that God are able to use to spread His love, anointing, and Word through dancing. Dance just take us to the next level. There were healing, forgiveness, happiness and peace that were taken place in the room that night because of that One Man through dancing. and it all started with one activity, which is trying to mirror our partners and trying to feel and picture what our partner is doing through his/her actions. and through that activity, we then learned to picture ourselves mirroring God. Its definitely a night to remember. Its so hard to actually put down in words, plus, I am not good in describing an environment or a situation but I can sum it all into one word : BEAUTIFUL. Everything that God planned for us for that particular night is simply just Beautiful. <3
By the time everybody cooled down, its nearly 11pm and some of us have not eaten our dinner. Went to 101 and I had mee tomato and a few other food which I am too lazy to take a picture of it due to hungriness. haha
Went back to Timothy's place after that,bath and feel asleep. Next morning, we get to wake up a little bit later which 7.30am and take our time to get ready.
Second day was even more wonderful.
Praise and Worship God is a must before any event start because we want to give glory and surrender everything to Him and also that we will have a even better day with his presence in the room.
After what a handful of us experienced the night before, this Praise and Worship had become a bigger impact on us. The room is filled with the spirit of dance, dancing with each and everyone of us, the presence of God was very strong also that the room is filled nothing but joy, happiness, peace, love, and His grace. =D
After the fruitful Praise and Worship, our workshop continues. On the second day, the dancers learned the song that we are all going to be prayforming for ER this coming June in Kuching as a opening dance. All of us are so excited as also it will be our first time dancing together and also it is their first time dancing with tambourines. Praise God that by the end of the day, we manage to complete the whole song. *screams* I am already so excited for ER. =)=)
A few picture taken from a friend of mine while practicing one part of the song.
Finally its finished. Both the banner and dance workshop has ended.
This is the banner that the people involved did and it is so pretty and amazing. Its amazing how it can be completed by just 2 days. Awesome huh? =)
The workshop end with a high praise which took us another 1 and a half hour? But it seemed so short. At first, I was really tired to do anything but when the High Praise started, it felt like I got re-energized all of a sudden. It was a breath taking, fantastic, great, remarkable... (adds on all the similar words ) 1 and a half hour of my life. The presence of the Holy Spirit was just overpowering the entire place and it was one of the best feelings ever. =)
The workshop would also not be this wonderful without this people and I am so glad to be one of them there to participate in this workshop.
During the cleaning up, as usual there will be snaps time.
Kingdom Dancers. So blessed to be part of this ministry. He gave me another family whom I will always and forever cherish. <3<3
Sharon, the leader of Kingdom Dancers and also the one who lead the dance workshop for the weekend. =)
Sweet char koey. so goood- cooked by Edmund's mummy. yummms
hehe. After a tiring day of dancing, praising and worshiping, the KD's together with Alex and little Isaac went to Plaza Merdeka to visit Cotton On. =) Its the first shopping mall that KD visited in Kuching.
Mary and I. Ruveee her belly mas
How cute can he be! He was roaring at that time. super <3
So, after happily shopping, we went to met the rest at Petanak wet market to have dinner. Don't get me wrong. There is a food court upstairs and the food I've tasted taste pretty good.
Their "lobak". Have you ever tried cheese tofu before? It tasted like heaven especially when it is deep in the Kuching chilli. and also Lychee lemon drink. wooots. Refreshing.
Its 12am now and I am starting to get hungry. =/
Mee goreng and the omelet. Truly mouth-watering. hehe
oh yes, in the midst of eating and talking and laughing, and more laughing, Kelvin and I being so drama decided to have to expression competition to see who can portray the best expressions. It all started when he shows his "duck face". soo funny.
Of course, at the end of the day, we declare that Adeline (middle) as the winner. haha
After the many more stories and laughing and crazy drama, its time to really say goodbye and goodnight this time. As usual, we have to go through lots of station before we officially split up but it was definitely a fun night. <3
*just for memories.
PHOTO-BOOMED ALERT! Meet Kelvin (in green), my super cool dramatic friend. haha
Anak Datuk Bandar Kuching. Don't play play. hehe
and then, there is Brendan Chin. Very nice, VERY sociable but nice guy. haha. Somehow I find this pictures taken quite interestingly. I called it "a-super-short-journey-to-a-perfect-picture " =)
and introducing you Alex, Mary's bfriend. So glad to have met him personally. Even if I knew him for just a very short time and talked to him less than 10 times, I already knew he is one very nice guy who is filled with lots of love, a guy who is always willing to help, and a friend whom one can count on. Mary and Alex is blessed to be with each other.
and oh, it was his birthday the next day, so.... BLESSED BELATED BIRTHDAY! =D
and yes, of course. what is a super awesome perfect picture without KD in it. haha.
We have something with walls that night. Taking back memories from Petanak Wet Market. haha.
Love them till my last breath. There is a special place in my heart for them. *kisses*
A small group of us
and ALL of us who was at dinner with us.
The next day, its time to say bye bye once again to Kuching.
Got up, get ready, packed and ready to go.
Sharon and I
Breakfast. yay. new shop, new taste of food.. =)
Kolo mee tikus and toast bread with peanut butter and chocolate. woots.
Out very last group picture. So happy and nice of them to have breakfast with us. hehe
and finally, on the plane. Love the view of Kuching from the plane. So green compared to Penang where we can only see the sea. Spot the Sarawak river? =)
So sad, Mary and I had to attend classes on that day itself and I nearly faint from tiredness but I am glad I did manage to attend classes. Its my last semester and I cant afford to miss any.=/
Mary and I ( my first picture with my new purchased sun glass from Cotton On.) Super love and cheap. hehe
Its amazing to know how God had prepared Kingdom Dancers in a way that we don't even realized it and bring it to action during this weekend. A simple activity became a healing session. Its no longer a performance, but a prayformance. We are NOT a performer but a prayformer. I love how that word sounds. and somehow, knowing that I am a prayformer gives me goosebumbs as it reminds me of the responsibility I am holding now to be a Godly child and I must be very careful of what I say or how I act. but despite of that, I feel truly blessed to be where I am right now and are willing to grow and especially to be part of this beautiful dance ministry called Kingdom Dancers.
Besides the workshop, I've got to know more people there and knowing that I can be myself in front of them is great. They are very open, very funny, very dramatic, very caring and loving and most importantly, God centered. The next time we will be seeing each other is in June and I believe its gonna be one memorable trip. Overall I can say that this trip continues to my great memory after my my first time in Kuching. xoxo