Sunday, March 3, 2013


    I do realized that I have stopped posting about "what-I-think and feel" post. Its not because I have not been thinking lately, but I tend to forget what was in my mind at night and when I wake up in the morning,  I could not recall it. but there is something which happened constantly for a few weeks already and it keeps running in my head like waves and I just have to write about it.

    The thought that was in my mind is " actually, everybody is selfish if you realized it or not. I am selfish, you are selfish, everybody is selfish." It is to what extend one portray their selfishness to the world. During this few weeks, I have realized that I always want things to go my way, I want to get what I want even to choose a place to have dinner. I do not know why but it happened all of a sudden and I am usually not that choosy to be honest. I will not care where am I going to eat, as long as I have someone to accompany me. and God is so funny, not allowing anything to go my way and being me, I accept it as I have no other choice.

    and then another incident happen. I have always wanting to sign up for a gym membership and recently a friend of mine received a very god deal and he immediately called me up and ask whether I am interested. I talked to my dad and he says he is willing to pay ( even though my mum does not allow) but what I have never expected it to happen is me thinking twice about it. Not about joining the gym but the money wise. Its only a small amount but I am thinking more like, with this money, I could do something better with my family. Maybe have a nice dinner?  I know its sounds crazy and unreal but its true. and for the first time in this few weeks, I sacrifice something for someone I love and care about and I felt very very happy and there is where I come to realized that maybe sacrificing something you love for someone you love is more than letting go for that person, but also willing to build a better relationship with that person. At last, I told my friend and my dad that I don't need that offer now as I could exercise on my own. Just need a little bit more discipline. hehe.

    and that is how I learn more about sacrificial love. same as what God did for us. He send His only beloved Son to die for us on the cross so that our sins is taken away. What anybody do or did in this world cant beat what God did for us. and if I can just sacrifice a little bit of my time, money and energy for someone I love with Love, its like a token from God because scriptures states that whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers of mine, you did it to me. Therefore, when I sacrifice and do something whether I like it or not to someone, its like doing something from God. =) I love how God works sometimes. haha

    also this morning, while I was working, a man came and purchase what he wanted to purchase and suddenly he says that he would like to pay for the girl who is sitting alone, studying. Her face cant even be seen clearly from where he is standing but he choose to pay for her. I believe that there is something in him wanting to do something good. For whatever purpose he has for doing that, I still respect for his good gesture and I am pretty sure that its not to go after her or something because he tell us not to tell the girl who pays for her. This is another way of giving which I never thought I could see it with my own eyes and he makes me want to do that to someone in the future.

    Doing something for someone is always a kind and good act, may it be something small or simple, people will always look up to us and respect us. Sacrificial love is an act of doing something with one's whole heart not because one is forced to do or because he or she wants something in return. There is a difference. Do good everyday and soon you will receive the same gesture you do to people. =)

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