The purpose of this blog post is actually for me to remember what I have been doing for the past one month but also, I would love to share it with you guys. Please excuse me for my not-very good English/ grammar and way of blogging. Also, it is gonna be a long one so be ready. haha. It will not be in the right sequence and I will elaborate it with pictures. ENJOY!
1. Futsal - I remember that there were a lot in my mind to handle that I do not feel like leaving my room at all. But thanks to this friend of mine, Marce who forced me to get out from the house and also because there were some transportation problem to where I was suppose to go, that leads me to follow him to the game at the end of the day. I have to thank him for the night because it was fun. I felt relaxed and happy and yes, for the very first time I got a chance to join in the game with the-not-appropriate attire for the game. haha It was definitely a memorable night with a bunch of crazy friends of mine.

2. Christmas present shopping - Its also the one time of the year besides birthdays that we get to exchange presents. Its not about how much does the present cost or how small the present is, but its the thought that counts. It was a Saturday and five of us including Sharon, Aaron, Faith, Mary and myself head down to Gurney/Paragon to hunt of pressies. It was indeed a great and tiring day.
3. Exercise indoor and outdoor- For the first time after a very very long time, I decided to go for a run with the fresh air. At the USM Stadium with Naj babe and around my house area. Thanks to Najah, I also finally got the chance to cycle once again after ages. I totally forget how fun is it to cycle. We cycled around USM and she showed me this beautiful view. There was also a day where PY cycled to USM and each takes turn to use it. An evening with my favorite girls is always fun. haha. Other than that, my constant trip to the gym with Adele and most of the time myself and finally, I got my membership and I brought 2 of my good friends, May Chee and Ching Wen for a one day free trial. The things three of us can do in the gym is like we owned it. haha. It was FUN! Exercising is fun and at the feeling after exercising is awesome. Never thought exercising will be part of my daily life but i am glad it is. hehe

4. Random hangout with Kuchingnite and Cavina- It was a Saturday where Mary and myself decided to attend mass and we have no plans after mass after mass so we contacted Brendan and Cavina and tada, we met up in Queensbay. Had dinner at Queens Market, chat for the longest hour ever,went for my Christmas tree hunting and not to forget pictures to sum up the night.
5. Beaches and night views - I certainly miss these views. I never thought it existed but thanks for my friend, I enjoyed it very very much. I could just sit or stand by the beach for hours looking at the same view and breathing the fresh air. Keeps me calm and able to think, able to know what is right for me to do for my own future. Also, being able to sit in the car watching the light that was lit up on the Penang bridge while talking for hours is indeed very memorable.
6. Blessed and Happy Belated Birthday Ashleigh- It was a Sunday where three of us decided to hang out after 987654 years. Ashleigh came and pick me up from church after dance practice and we head to Straits Quay right away just in time to see Mel in her Santarina attire. We had dinner at Blue Reef and when Mel and I wanted to give Ash a treat for his birthday, he step ahead of us and actually gave his card to the cashier when he was heading to the toilet. Just 5 mins late. haha. After dinner, both of us surprised Ash with a Chocolate mint cake baked by Mel. He was really surprised. After an hour of chatting and huha-ing, the night is still young, so we head to Gurney to catch a movie. We watched "Battle of the Year". I enjoyed the night very much. Its nice to catch up and reminisce the past where three of us use to hang out almost every weekend. Now that we are all busy doing our things, its nice to at least still catch up once in a while. We will always be like a family.
7. Penang State Christmas Open House- Organised by the Penang state goverment and Penang Churched of the Christian Federation Malaysia. It was held at Fort Conwallis on the 15 of December and it was definitely better than last year. It was well organised, the free flow of food was well managed and everything else. There were about 20 groups performing and we were the last group to prayform. " Saved the best for the last", they say. haha. Public are welcomed to join us in this beautiful celebration. As usual, most of the youths from CHS came and join in this celebration. No doubt, we are the loudest as well. =) This year, Kingdom Dancers, parents/adults and youths from different languages joined together and prayformed on that day to spread the good news. It was fun working with these people especially the adults.
8. Road trip with Adele- Adele had work to do at Perlis and Kedah and she invited me to tag along and I agreed to it. It was a day to just relax and enjoy the joyride. I was very happy and excited to accompany Adele for her job that took us only half an hour in total throughout the day. We were just taking our sweet time, enjoying the rain, breeze and new air. Its my first time to those states as well. hehe. We had our lunch at this coffee shop and it tasted good. Adele had a plate of maggie goreng tomyum with an egg on top whereas I had nasi goreng tomyam pataya with a bowl of tomyum soup at the side. Surprisingly, it is cheaper than we expected. The water taste different than ours though hence not use to the taste. Thank God I ordered warm water. =)
9. Daddy's Belated Birthday celebration- Held at Georgetown City Hotel. It was a buffet. A simple dinner but everybody was there as a family. The food was delicious and it was a great night spend with them. All there is was a smile on everybody's face, jokes and good conversations on our table. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! Love you forever.
10. SWYF carolling- held for two days. One the first day, we only visited two houses whereas on the second day, we visited three houses. Even though I felt tired by the second house, knowing that I am spreading the good news to the household, it was a great joy and privileged to be part of it. Food and drinks was served after singing, and also it is the time to bond with each other either with the households or with the other carolers. Also with the people who was travelling in the same car as me, it is never gonna be boring. haha.
11. Preparation for SWYF Christmas Celebration- A number of us gather is church one night to prepare for the upcoming event which was the SWYF Christmas Celebration. It was a fun night and I was in the balloon team for the night. Pumping air in the balloons with a bunch of funny people doing the same thing with me. We chatted, laugh, play and run around and that makes my night. Being able to work with mums are also fun especially the cool ones where they could actually relate to us, play and laugh together with our jokes and conversations.
12. SWYF Chritmas Celebration- It is where everybody gather together and fellowship to celebrate this beautiful celebration that we all have been longing for. All dolled up and bringing the Christmas spirit to the gathering. We started with Praise and Worship- makan-makan and finally gift exchange. Was in charged of it together with the other second-liners for the very first time. Nerve wreaking but it was a good experience. hehe.
13. Adele's Birthday celebration- A great blessing and chance to have met this beautiful girl, to have known more about her each time we hang out. More so, to be by her side on her very special day and also to have the chance to give her a surprise birthday celebration days after her official birthday. To get her to the gym on that morning so that the rest can prepare the celebration in her house was hard, but its worth it. I am glad that it was a success. All that was invited made it and it is also the first time all five of us ( Adele, Carina, Brendan, Brian and myself ) met up after a really long time. woohooo. HAPPPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY darling A. <3 Love you always and forever.
14. Welcome back Kenneth Tan!! - It was great to have him back. Not the first time for the rest, but it was indeed the first time we hang out after his arrival. The beginning of a memorable 3 weeks. It was great to have him back in Penang and most of all celebrating Christmas and New Year with him. #kennethisthebest
15. A day to remember- It was indeed a very happy day for me. I went to the gym before I head to church and it was a fun day there. Everytime I step into the gym, I felt the warm welcome. I really do miss working there especially with these people. They are the best team I have ever worked with. Meet my ex manager of the club who is now the district manager and the new manager of AF, Queensbay on the right. Went to Adele's house to join her and the rest for caroling and I finally met Pius for the first time after his arrival from Johor. Chill there for a while before a few of us head to Kenneth's house. Play a few round of a game and then we got ready to go out and have fun. The day seems pretty short compared to the other days and that is because I am having so much of fun that day. Where is the time machine man? haha
16. Photoshoot and an afternoon with Pius- Stayed over at Adele's-Woke up in the morning with the same attire I wore the night before. Why does my hair looks the best when I am about to wash it? dannngg. Went down with shorts and tee before I knew that STAR was actually coming over to interview the Khor family. Was invited by Mr and Mrs Khor to join in the photoshoot. Quickly went up and change. I tried my very best to look all fresh and happy. Now I know why models are paid so much. So much of acting over and over again in order to get the perfect shot. I think its much more difficult when you are taking as a group. But it was all worth it because we made it to the front page of STAR on Christmas morning. Credits to Cavina for the good write up and the photographer for making this a reality. Its my second year in STAR during the season which I love and adore most. We were done by 3pm- head over to Adrians grandmother's place for lunch then to Dolce Dessert Cafe for tea with Brendan, Adrian, Mel and Pius. Felt better after a cup of fresh and hot raspberry/strawberry tea and good company. Different humor, different conversation but twas a good afternoon spend. =)
17.An afternoon in Gurney and an evening with my favorite girls- It was a Monday and six of us decided to hang out in Gurney/Paragon. Its another Christmas pressie shopping day. I practically bought everything I need so I just tagged along. It was another good day with these hilarious people. We had lunch at Sushi Zanmai and then were separated for an hour or so so we don't waste time to find the things that we need. Soon before we know it, its time to go home. Whereas me, I head straight to USM and meet with Najah and Py. We actually talk more than exercise, maybe its because its been so long since we have actually met. So glad to see both of them and we definitely miss one more person who was in KL at that time. Was home by 8pm and called it a day.
18. CHRISTMAS EVE- Same like every other year, we as a family gather together for dinner. We had dinner at YMCA. After that we head back to my grandparents place to get ready for Christmas midnight mass. I enjoyed that few hours of us as a family just chilling and waiting for time to pass in the house. With Christmas songs played as a background music, all of us were just doing our own thing and at the same time chatting with each other. Me, lying down on the couch, resting my eyes was just taking and enjoying every second of it. Its sad that Mel and I wont be joining the rest of my family for mass this year as they were going to attend mass at other church. Despite of that, I got to enjoy and celebrate my first few Christmas hours with my other family from church. Bringing and remembering Christ at every Christmas event was remarkable. He deserve the best because it is His birthday. It is Mel and my very first year at a friends place after mass. We were welcomed to Sharon and Aaron's crib to enjoy the very first Christmas meal followed by gift exchange. It was a fun and comfortable night- Just the right place to be. Went home at 5am.
19. BLESSED BIRTHDAY JESUS <3 - Was feeling excited to wake up early in the morning as it is the joyest day ever. Not to waste anymore time, quickly got ready and head down my grandparents place. Brendan and the rest then came and pick me up and off we go to Adele's aunty's place. Our first visit on Christmas day. There were indeed a lot of people there including Muslim's. Being able to see the smile on everybody's face trully indeed put a smile on my face and heart. Knowing that this is the opportunity people take to welcome friends and extended family to their homes to celebrate an awesome and a memorable festival. It is a blessing and a proud moment to know that the festival we are talking about is Christmas when we can see a Christmas tree being light up, decorated with all types of ornaments and ribbons and not to forget a star, or an angel on top of the tree surrounded by small and big presents at one part of the house. There were only laughs, happy conversations, lots of yummy food, warmth welcome and love in the house.
And without fail every single year, there will be a Christmas celebration at my grandparents place. Due to the moving, I thought last year will be the last, but no, still happened and it was better! haha. All family members were ask and is compulsory to be at my grandparents place to start helping and get ready at 4pm. Was indeed very tired but the greatest feeling ever is when every single family member help to do something to make this a successful event. woohooooo. All credits should go to my beloved grandma. The cakes, jelly and every food in the menu was done by her. At 7pm, friends start coming and more and more as time pass. Glad that all of my friends manage to make it to celebrate this event together. Never fail to laugh each time I am with them. We are all from the same school, some of us came from the same class and its wonderful to still have keep in contact with them. They know me true and true, they are part of who I am today. I am loud because of them, I am funny and sarcastic because of them, I became confident in some areas because of them, most of all, they are my best of friends. Again, its sad that few of them dint able to make it because they are not in Penang.I love them very much. woohooo.
After the party, I head home to pack my clothes and went over to Adele's again. Stayed over for a night. Kenneth, Carina and William came for a while. As usual, a great way to end my night. Truly a blessing to have celebrate my Christmas with the people who meant the most to me. Most of all, I acknowledge Jesus to each celebration. I do hope He had fun. hehe. <3 <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!
20. Christmas dinner with girlfriends- After a day of resting and rotting at home and heading to the gym, I spend my 28th night with my girlfriends. Thank you May Chee for inviting me to your place and all your effort that you put in to make the night memorable. May Chee baked a whole chicken, cooked pasta and rosti for the night. We had our dinner outside her balcony accompanied by delicious home cooked meal,a glass of Moscato white wine, while enjoying the cool and fresh breeze flowing around us. It is indeed a perfect dinner with the right company. After cleaning up, we head to May's room and do what girls do best, taking lots of pictures for memories and had a girlie talk. Its been long since I had this and it was good night.
21. Blessed Birthday Kelly Khor- It was a Sunday and yes mass is a must to attend. Dint realized I looked like a zebra on that day but I guess I am not the only one with white and black stripes all over me. =) It was a special day of a beautiful friend of mine, Kelly Khor. Dint manage to take a picture with her, also I do not have the group photo, therefore not much photo's but only the ones taken from my phone. BBQ in her house. Only a few were invited. It was a nice and a good night and I guess its because of the company we had. We end up trying to build something using the deck of cards we use to play Heart Attack and I manage to accomplish something at midnight. woohooo. Adele stayed over my place that night because a few of us are going for a 2 days trip the following day.
22. Cameron Highlands- Finally, after months of discussing and planning ahead for a short getaway, our first trip together was a success. What a way to end the year. All four of us including Adele, Cavina, Brendan and myself decided to have our lil vacation at Cameron Highlands. We spend a night only- 30th-31st December. It was really one of my most memorable event that happened in December. I enjoyed every second of it and the weather and company makes it even better. Our main purpose of this getaway was to just relax. We don't mind chilling in the hotel room but then we wont want to miss the cool air outside as well. This trip was also a testimony because God was with us the whole time. He gave us a smooth trip. Even better, our room got upgraded for free, had complimentary tea set from the hotel and not to forget an extra two free ticket for breakfast. All thanks to Cavina's uncle who is the F&B manager. I say this trip was a blessing because Cavina did not know her uncle was working there until we reached the hotel. We stayed at Heritage Hotel. After having tea at the hotel's cafe, we went up to the room and take a 2 hours nap. Feeling fresh after that, we head to Raju's, the place that serves the sweetest and biggest strawberries ever. Who leaves Cameron without having steamboat. Drove back up to the hotel, and we decided to walk down to one of the cafe's nearby called The Hills. Had trouble walking properly because it was too cold, but then having these people around, we were laughing, jumping and moving a lot and at least that keeps us warm a little bit. haha. That is how we end out night.
We start our trip back to Penang right after breakfast. But before that, we stop by at one of the churches and it was so beautiful inside. The church was decorated with fresh and bright colored flowers, no air-con or fan ( like who needs a fan when there is free cool air everyday ). Not eager to leave but we have to, if not we would not have make it back in time to Penang. It was indeed a great trip to Camerons. We did not visit any plantation after the our first stop at a small plantation shop. #becausetealeavesaretoomainstream but we get to stop by and and enjoy the beautiful Christmas season lighting's at one of the hotels on the way. Thanks to my beautiful friends who make this trip happened. <3
23. NEW YEARS EVE...- Its the last day of the year. The new year is approaching I had the best New Year eve celebration ever so far. As four of us reached Penang from Camerons at 4pm, I quickly got home, packed my things and head over to my grandparents place to get ready. All dolled up and May Chee picked me up just in time for dinner. We had dinner at Italiannies restaurant. We shared a plate of Carbonara pasta and a glass of house wine. Just enough for two of us. We then went to crash the Eurasian Party at Traders Hotel. My grandparents and aunty was there. It was like a pre-party for both May Chee and I. Yes there were alcohol involved but minimal. We danced all night and when the clock reached 11pm, we left the place and went back to Paragon to visit Ching wen and her family. We promised Ching wen that we would do the countdown with her.
It was an amazing night with both of them together with Ching Wen's siblings and bfriend. I would not have it any other way. I did not once expect that I would celebrate my New Year's eve with neither of them but I am glad I did. Especially May Chee who are with me from evening till the countdown. Had so much fun popping sparkling wine, dancing and jumping in the crowd, pulling and pushing each other to the fountain and taking lots of pictures. I wish others could have joined us, it would be funner but it was still a fantastic and one good night.They never fail to forever put a smile on my face. xx
My night certainly did not end there, I spend the first few hours with two of my favorite people which are Kenneth and Adele. We end up in Khaleel. Destination is never an issue, its the company and journey that counts. Never doubt that I am always happy around them. Lots of laughs, sarcasms, annoying the crap out of each other but that is how we roll. HAPPY NEW YEAR. <3 <3
25. Kayelle- On the following day which is New Years day, Adele and I headed to KL. Adele drove and I am the co-pilot who is not allowed to sleep but accompany Adele throughout the whole way and I made it. I was awake the whole time. We checked in right after we reached KL- quite a interesting hotel, I must say. haha. Accompanied Adele to visit few of her KL friends. Visited 2 cafe's in 2 days and also Meeples to kill time before dinner. At one point, I was too tired and sleepy that I slept off everywhere I go. CONGRATULATIONS ADELE for getting your visa the following day (the purpose of this trip).We brought Ivy back with us to Penang. Was welcomed by the Khor's to have dinner at home with them. First time tasting Mrs.Khor's cooking and it was delicious. Met up with a few friends at New World Park after that- chatted for a while and then its time to say goodnight.
26. An adventurous Sunday - Its been a while since I have planned an outing especially ones which involved town area because I will never know how to get there firstly, and secondly I will get confused on where is where. Thank God, I have these people with me. It was truly a adventurous and fun fun day. We started by having our brunch at Maxim Dim Sum before sending Wil Sern off to the bus station. William tagged along as well for breakfast. Five of us including Kenneth, Adele, Ivy, Ah Fan and myself spend the whole afternoon touring around town by riding a bicycle each. Twas a beautiful, memorable, relaxing and fun day with all of them. We went to the Penang interactive museum followed by cafe hopping. What a lovely day and God is so good to give us a good weather and also to answer my prayer. I am glad that the rest of them did had fun as well. It makes me even happier when they are happy. SUCCESS! Kudos Jaslyn *pats on the back* hahaha
william-kenneth-wil sern
So yes, this is the end of my blog post. 2013 has been a good year for me and I know that the grace God will continue to flow with me, my family and my love ones throughout 2014. God never fail to show me the best because He himself is the best. What would I be or do without Him. haha. Also, I am glad that I choose to follow my heart to wanting to experience differently this year because everything went so well with just the right people who is so dear to me. <3 Oh well, back to reality where my two years degree program officially starts on Monday. Another year, another adventure, another experience and I am ready for it. woohooo. Never the less, HAVE A GREAT AND MEMORABLE 2014! xx
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