Thursday, October 4, 2012


I have a lot of best friends over the years. May it be from Kindergarden, or Primary School or even Secondary school, I still remember each one of them. ok, maybe not during Kindergarden. I totally forget who are my friends back then. My all time question " What's a definition of a Best Friend? " and I finally get to know the answer. After God-knows how many years. There is no definition of a best friend, or should I say noone could ever explain or describe whats the definition of a Best Friend.

    The general answer would be trustworthy, someone you can count on, always make you feel wanted and happy, someone who will be there for you in good times and in bad. I guess people always miss out one more reason which is someone who could make you a better person as well. I have a very good friend and I love hanging out with her. She is someone whom I can really be honest about my opinion. I can say that we have similar way of thinking. When I'm with her, majority of the time we will be talking about what is right and what is wrong to do in life, how would we want to define our life, whats happening to the world now. oh, how I love this kind of topic. because I know that there is more than one answer to it. Listening to people's opinions will help us grow and think outside the box in one way or another. At the same time, everytime I am with her, I felt the warmth in my heart whereby I know I can trust her.

    I have another group of friends which are very special to me. I have just known them since F4 and we are still very close until today. Everytime I'm with them, I just forget that there is a world outside. They allow me to forget about my problems for a while and they show me that life can be fun even if we have problems. I'm not avoiding but just taking a break from it. We often lend our listening ears, hands and shoulders with one another and boy, they sure do know how to cheer people up. They are one crazy bunch of mine.

    Do you have people whom you just treat them more than friends. No, I don't mean lovers but nearly to family. I have 2 of them and they are precious to me. Both of them are God brothers and differ in many ways. We often hang out together with my sister. They are the people who you can invite to family events. When sis and I are grounded, in the midst of being grounded, they are the people whom you can still go out with. Silly!

    I am very grateful to have a Godly couple who can make you think and see things differently. Like when I am walking in a place filled with darkness, they will remind me that God will guide me through the darkness and soon before I know it, I will see the light. They are like a God-send angels to my life. How blessed am I to have them. no? They are a very busy couple but when it comes to helping people, they will just dig in and out for a time to help them. It is pretty much how I want to be too. If you ask me who is my role model, it will be them. They are no celebrities, but a prince and princess in the Kingdom of God, better than celebrities I say.

    Therefore, seek for someone who can make you a better person and someone who will not judge you also. Someone told me this before and he says " a definition of a best friend is also someone who will not lie to you and will always tell the truth to you whether we like it or not." A best friend is a role, a friend is also a role. Both have different characteristics but they have something in common which is to always treat everybody fairly and welcome everybody to their lives. You will never know, you might need their help one day..=) For me, trust is extreamly and ultimately important. Its important to know how to keep a secret about other peoples problem. That shows the trust one have in you and also I am very sure all of us do not want to be cheated.

Allow me to end with one verse that I recently found and its good,
 Matthew 7:12 says “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets"

Love ya! <3

1 comment:

  1. Good friends are gems!! good to pick your friends wisely. :)

    1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

    Found this good article on friends.
    Read more:
